How to Overcome Problems during Pregnancy
To overcome problems that happen during pregnancy is something that pregnant women need to know. Thus a pregnancy would not be something that tortures pregnant women, but instead would be something fun. Here are some problems that happen during pregnancy and the tips to overcome them.
Nausea and Morning Sickness
Nausea and morning sickness are the most common things for pregnant women, especially during the beginning of pregnancy or at the first trimester. Nausea and morning sickness are caused by hormonal change that happen to pregnant women. Besides nausea and morning sickness could also happen if a pregnant woman smells certain scents.
Even though nausea and sickness will be gone by themselves when the second trimester approaches, but you should beware of them. Nausea and sickness would cause lacking of good nutrition for both the mother and the baby she carries. The first trimester is a critical period where the fetus starts developing organs. If a fetus lacks certain nutrition, the development for perfect organs could fail. Besides, the fetus could also being born with weight under average.
Tips :
- Eat in small portions but often, do not eat in big portions because it will cause nausea. Try to keep eating when your stomach feels good, try to eat 5-6 times a day in smaller portions and to avoid empty stomach.
- Avoid foods that contain a lot of fat, spices, too sour or spicy.
- Eat foods that contain a lot of carbohydrate and protein. Also consume a lot of fruits and vegetables.
- Avoid foods that smell because it might make you nauseous and sick.
- Drink a cup of warm tea to overcome nausea and sickness.
- Take more fluids with drinking water, low fat milk, or fruit juices to replace the fluid that come out during sickness and also to avoid dehydration.
- Eat more foods that contain vitamin B6 such as bananas, avocado, rice, or cereals.
If nausea and sickness continue until the second trimester, consult about this to your doctor.
Increased hormone during pregnancy could cause the production of vagina fluid, called lokore. This fluid is white, watery and doesnt smell. This discharge is normal as long as its not much, changing color, smells, and itches or with any irritation. If so, then consult to the doctor.
- Keep your vagina and vagina area clean.
- Dont put on underwear that is too tight.
- Change your underwear as often as possible, especially if it feels damp/wet.
- Always wear dry and clean underwear.
- Wear underwear that is made of cotton or other materials that absorb sweat.
Constipation happens because of the progesterone hormone increase. This hormone, besides loosens up the uterine muscles, also loosens up the muscles of the intestinal walls that causes constipation. But the advantage of this is better nutrition absorption during pregnancy.
Continuous constipation could cause hemorrhoids.
- Drink a lot of water.
- Consume more foods that contain fibers such as vegetables and fruits.
- Work out often like walking or jogging
Frequent urination during the start of pregnancy is caused by enlarged uterus that pushes the bladder and hormonal change that also causes increase in blood volume that makes the kidneys produce more fluids.
This situation will decrease in the second trimester because of the uterine growth to the stomach and starts again in the third trimester because of the fetus growth that pushes the bladder again.
- Dont ever hold your bladder, this could cause bladder infection.
- Dont reduce your drinking portion, even though it makes you urinate a lot.
- Frequent urination could damp up your vagina area, keep it clean.
Headaches happen to a lot of pregnant women are caused by physical factors; exhaustion, nausea, hunger and low blood pressure. And also emotional causes like tense and depression. Besides, increase of blood supply to the whole body could cause headaches when a pregnant woman changes position.
- Take a rest if you have a headache.
- Avoid oppression or other problems that could lead into depression.
- Do not make sudden moves.
- Try to keep calm and relax.
If your headache gets worse and continues, go to the doctor as soon as possible. Bad headache during pregnancy is a pregnancy alarm.
Skin change is caused by melanocyte that causes darken skin. Then brownish lines will appear from the navel to lower area that is called linea nigra. Besides there is often some brownish on the face that is called chloasma or pregnancy mask.
Stretch marks happen because of excessive stretching, usually happens in abdomen are, upper thighs and breasts. These stretch marks could cause itchiness and cannot be avoided.
Besides, skin change also happens on the face, it gets oilier and could cause acnes.
- Avoid scratching itchiness caused by stretch marks
- Keep your skin clean
- Eat more foods that contain protein and vitamin C
Exhaustion and sleepiness on pregnant women are caused by hormonal change, also because some vital organs like kidneys, heart, and lungs, work more than before. These vital organs work not only for the mothers needs, but also for the fetal development. The mothers enlarged belly could also be a discomfort for the mother.
- To reduce exhaustion, complete carbohydrate needs as the main source of energy.
- Eat foods that contain complex carbohydrate that are easily digested.
- If you feel exhausted, and if you are able to, take a rest.
- Dont push yourself to keep doing activities, if you feel exhausted take a rest immediately.
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