Myths about Pregnancy


myths about pregnancyMyths about pregnancy are all around and spread in the society. Some even believe those myths. And not every myth is true. So that parents are not misled of those pregnancy myths, here are some explanations of those myths.

Drinking coconut water can quicken your labor

There are no researches yet that prove this myth, because how quick your labor is, is caused by a lot of factors. But coconut water is useful for making the amniotic fluid white and clean.

No sex during the first trimester

There are no researches yet that prove that sex could cause miscarriage. So as long as it doesnt hurt or uncomfortable, you may do that.

Darken neck or nipples indicate youre going to have a baby boy

Color change on neck or nipples has nothing to do with the sex of the baby. Color change is caused by the increase of progesterone and melanocyte (the hormone that controls skin pigmentation). Because darken nipples usually happens during pregnancy, either with a boy or a baby girl. Besides color change on skin and nipples, pregnant women also have blackish streaks on stomach and black lines from navel until pubis area. But all of these will disappear after giving birth.

If your Belly is round, then youre going to have a baby girl

The shape of a pregnant womans stomach is oval or round depends on the fetus position in the womb. If the fetus lies athwart, your stomach will look wider. But if the fetus is lengthwise, then your stomach will look elevated. Besides, the stomach shape of a pregnant woman also depends on muscles elasticity and the volume of amniotic fluids. At a first pregnancy, the stomach will look round because the muscles are still tight. But after the first pregnancy, the muscles will loosen up. If a pregnant woman has a lot of amniotic fluids, her stomach will look bigger and rounder.

Eating too many oranges will increase slimes on the fetal lungs and risk of being yellow when born

This myth is false. Orange is a source of vitamin C and has fiber that is needed by a pregnant woman. Consuming oranges during pregnancy is much recommended.

If you want an intelligent baby and a smooth labor, have a lot of sex during pregnancy

Its not true that sperm contains fertilizing substances and that if a fetus is exposed to the bursts could grow healthy and intelligent. The health of the baby in the womb has nothing to do with sperm and frequency of sex. Health and intelligence of the fetus are not affected by the sperm quality, but the genetic factors from both parents. Intelligent parents are also likely to give birth to an intelligent kid also. For mom to be that has had pregnancy damages, like miscarriage, placenta previa and others, it is better to not have sex for a while. Sex will increase the contraction of uterine muscles so a miscarriage risk or a premature baby born will also increase. Besides there is also risk of bleeding for the mom.

This myth came allegedly because people connect love and affection of the parents, where the mothers psychological condition might be calmer and pleasant with often sex. The mothers psychological also affects the baby she carries. A calm and happy mom to be will also support the growth and development of the baby, and the labor will also go well. But the opposite could also happen if the mom to be doesnt enjoy the sex because she feels compelled or for duty only.

Drinking ice will make the fetus grow big

Drinking ice during pregnancy will not cause the fetus grows big, unless if you put excessive syrup, honey, or sugar into the ice. Carbohydrate that contains in the sugar will make the baby weighs more.

Besides excessive sugar, the size of the fetus also depends on the genetic factor and nutrition. Big sized parents will potentially have big sized baby either. Good nutrition will affect the physical development of the fetus, so that the fetus can develop well. Some certain diseases, like diabetic, could also cause a bigger sized baby.

Pregnant women are not allowed to eat bananas, pineapples, and cucumbers

They believe that pineapple could cause miscarriage. Consuming bananas, pineapples, and cucumbers are even recommended because they are rich of vitamin C and important fibers to keep your body healthy and expedite the digestive disposal process.

Whitish discharge is not always dangerous. During pregnancy and even after giving birth, it is normal if the mother gets whitish discharge. Unless if the discharge is infected by bacterium, fungus, and virus which usually are hinted by itchiness, odor, yellowish, greenish or brownish.

Green coconut water can nourish the babys hair

Drinking green coconut water has nothing to do with the babys hair. But green coconut water is healthy because it contains electrolyte, so everybody, including pregnant ladies may drink green coconut water to keep healthy.

Pregnant women are not allowed to eat lamb meats

Pregnant women are allowed to consume lamb meats in normal portions, unless if the pregnant woman suffers from cholesterol or heart disease. Lamb meats contain high level of saturated fat so it might affect uric acid metabolism that is dangerous for people with high cholesterol or heart disease.

Massaging pregnant womans stomach

A lot of people believe in this myth. But massaging the stomach of a pregnant woman can increase the risk of miscarriage and fetal disorders, such as stress or pressure on the fetus. If a fetus is stressed or pressured, the development is also disturbed.


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