Baby Skin Care

Baby Skin Care

General Guidelines And Tips On

Start life off right by protecting your baby from ultraviolet exposure. Keep infants out of direct sunlight during the first few months. If you do go outside, be sure to cover the babys skin with protective clothing, a hat and baby sunglasses. Turn that into a habit and teach your child the importance of doing so as he or she grows older. Sunscreen products shouldnt be applied until the baby is 6 months old, but after that, theyre absolutely necessary. Take care when riding in cars and when out for a stroll.

As for baby skin care, it wont be hard to find products formulated especially for babies. Purchase these and use as directed. Adult skin care products are not recommended for babies. Theyre far too harsh. You may have to switch laundry detergents if you find the one youre using is irritating your babys skin.

Always change diapers as soon as possible. Urine and feces contain bacteria and must be washed away with warm water or baby wipes, otherwise infections can develop. Make sure wipes dont contain alcohol which can dry out a babys skin. Remember to clean in the folds and also to dry this area gently but thoroughly. Diaper rash is very uncomfortable so apply an ointment or cream formulated especially for this common baby skin problem.

Moisturizing regularly with lotions and creams formulated for infants helps retain moisture. Excessive bathing isnt necessary and in fact can sap a babys skin of moisture. Never use hot water for bathing. Like adults, babies prefer warm water. If your baby has cradle cap which resembles scaly dirty-looking skin, gently scrub top of head with a soft brush. If cradle cap doesnt go away, have the babys physician take a look. Wind and cold can also cause dry skin so protect your baby when outside. If the air in your home is dry, consider getting a humidifier to add moisture.

Because a babys skin doesnt yet perspire properly, babies arent efficient at controlling their body temperatures. Sometimes, heat rashes can develop. Be sure to dress babies in comfortable, loose-fitting clothing thats appropriate for the temperature to avoid these rashes that resemble red patches or pinkish-red bumps.

Good habits begin early and its never too soon to develop a proper baby skin care routine!

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